All classes and teams at Endurance Elite Gymnastics & Dance are paid monthly. Automatic payment through our Parent Portal is mandatory for registration into a class. Your child will be continuously enrolled and monthly tuition will be charged to your card on file. You never have to worry about pre-registration or losing your spot again!
Listed below you will find our tuition rates, discounts & policies. Any addition class taken by a student or their immediate family member will receive a 10% discount on EVERY addition class (not just one!) Discounts are also available for Military families.
Policies are subject to change, however, you will be notified via email through the parent portal.
Membership Fee:
An annual membership fee is collected from all students enrolled in classes. Benefits of Membership Fees include the ability to enroll in any class or program and discounts on Special Activities such as Open Gym, Paren't Night Out, Friday Night Flick & Day Camps.
Each Member Pays:
*Your annual registration will be charged on the 15th of the month you registered.
Annual registration fees are charged to the card on file. Annual registration fees are non-refundable.
Gymnastics, Tumbling, Ninja, Cheer & Sampler Classes:
AUTOMATIC TUITION: Monthly tuition will be processed every 1st of the month for that month's tuition. Tuition will be automatically charged unless you've dropped the class before the end of the month. Tuition CAN NOT be substituded with makeup tokens. Late fees apply to tuition that is not paid by the 1st of the month.
Preschool Class
45 Minutes
Recreational Class
55 Minutes
Recreational Class
1 Hour, 25 Minutes
Dance Classes:
AUTOMATIC TUITION: Monthly tuition will be processed every 1st of the month for that month's tuition. Tuition will be automatically charged unless you've dropped the class before the end of the month. Tuition CAN NOT be substituded with makeup tokens. Late fees apply to tuition that is not paid by the 1st of the month.
Preschool Class
45 Minutes
Recreational Class
55 Minutes
Recreational Class
1 Hour, 25 Minutes
A 10% discount is applied to students that enrolls in addition classes in either gymnastics or dance. Immediate family members and military families also receive a 10% discount. Military families must notify the office after registering online to receive the discount.
Sibling &
Trial Class
Additional Classes
10% Off
10% Off
Late Fees:
Tuition will automatically be charged on the 1st of each month. Tuition must be paid in order to keep your spot in a class. Classes are reserved for paying customers only. Late fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Emails and texts are sent to notify any balance due. Please keep track of your card on file to make sure it's up to date.
Late fees will apply as follows:
5th of the Month
10th of the Month
15th of the Month
$15 Late Fee
$20 Late Fee
Automatic Drop from the Class (losing makeup tokens)
We understand that life happens and schedules must be adjusted. Make-Up classes are free of charge. Students will only be allowed to attend the same type of class they are currently enrolled in. Make-up's will not be allowed in classes that are full or closed. Competitive Team Members are not allowed make-ups.
Your makeup tokens can only be used if you are enrolled in a class. Once you drop a class, your makeup tokens are lost. Makeup tokens DO NOT replace tuition.
Makeup Tokens EXPIRE after 90 Days.
You must receive approval for a makeup class 24 hours in advance.
Do not show up to the gym without approval, you will not be allowed in the class.
Tokens can be used on the following:
Class (1 Token)
Open Gym (1 Token)
Friday Night Flick (3 Tokens)
Parent's Night Out (4 Tokens)
Camp (7 Tokens/Day)
How to schedule a Make-Up Class:
1. After your regular class time has been missed you will receive a notification for a "Make-Up Token"
2. Log in to the Parent Portal
3. Click on "MakeUps" in the left hand menu
4. Click the down arrow for the student you'd like to use the makeup token for
5. Click on "Use Token"
6. Choose an eligible class
7. Click "Confirm"
8. An email APPROVAL must be sent to you before attending the class
We'll see you in class!
To use makeup tokens on anything other than class, you must call or email the front desk for arrangements.
We are proud to offer a free trial to our potential students. Each athlete will receive ONE free trial class. This class may be in gymnastics, dance, ninja, tumbling, dance, or cheer. Athletes are only given the one free class, not multiple trials among the different class types. To try a new class style, students must enroll in the class and transfer to a different class or drop if they are not completely satisfied with the class. Trials must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
BABYNASTICS & TUMBLING TOTS are given a few extra weeks to trial a class. Babynastics and Tumbling Tots students are given one full month to trial if starting a trial at the beginning of the month. If registering for a trial in the middle of the month, you will only receive half the month’s trial period.
At the end of your trial class, you MUST register for the class through your parent portal, email or call the front desk staff. Your spot is NOT guaranteed after a trial class.
How to sign up for a Trial Class:
1. Create a Login in our Parent Portal
2. Sign waivers
3. Enter Family information
4. Enter Student information
5. Choose a class
6. Under "Enrollment type", select "Trial"
7. Confirm and Add Payment information (you will NOT be charged for your trial)
8. Confirm
9. An email APPROVAL must be sent to you before attending the class
We'll see you in class!
All drops must be submitted in WRITING either through the parent portal or email.
Drops must be submitted before the 1st of the month, otherwise automatic tuition will be charged on the 1st of the month with no refund. No exceptions. All makeup tokens will be lost after the official drop date. Makeup tokens do not replace tuition and cannot be used if a student is not enrolled in a class.
Account will not be put on hold. To save a spot in the class you must be enrolled and paying tuition. Otherwise you will be dropped from the class.